That's so sweet, vw. I'm glad you had a wonderful night.
My mom used to send me cards from the dogs and the cats, and wrestle them out into the yard to get their paws all muddy so they could "sign." For animals who seem to find great joy in muddying up the rugs and furniture and everything else at a moments notice, it sometimes took a lot more wrestling than you'd imagine. No fun if they
you muddy, I guess.
May you have abundant joy to balance the struggles
Happy Birthday vw!! It sounds like a good day was had.
I'm sorry I've been absent, work has eaten my head and I've had no brain leftover, but I've been reading and ~ma-ing like crazy.
I feel for Steph and boundary issues and the wedding (relatives) from hell; vibing for Stephanie and the bar exam; ouching for PC and his parents; meara so needs her umfriend to be closer. JZ needs to have a splendiferous day just because. Robin still has the best advice and Cindy has an amazing ability to say things both honestly and kindly. I'm glad vw had a happy birthday and right in thinking that sj is disturbingly hot in gothy-wear. Sending vibes to Fay for safety and wishing good things for everyone else. I've been missing my peeps a lot.
Nick said something disturbing that I had to share--and who else can I share things like this with? (Yes, I'm using you.)
Nick, happily playing his guitar suddenly looks up at me and says, "I bet being a jazz musician would make you a better lover."
Not enough shudder in the world.
Also, last night as I was taking Kara up to bed, she suddenly turned on the stairs and grabbed the front of my shirt. "Oh no!" I said, "I'm captured! Whatever shall I do?"
She looked at me funny and said, "No, but I know it's hard for you to walk up the stairs so I'm helping you."
Of course, her kindness is not unadulterated. She told Nick a freaky story about a flower eating a bug and they all died at the end; and then she fed the goldfish all the food in the tin. She's also flirting with all of Nick's friends.
It's time for me to go to bed. Love.
Hi Cass!
I'm here, but tired and somewhat grumpy.
Hello Cass! and why are you grumpy, Laura?
I'm here, but tired and somewhat grumpy.
Flee then. I am having a meltdown.
Nick, happily playing his guitar suddenly looks up at me and says, "I bet being a jazz musician would make you a better lover."
Not enough shudder in the world.
It really doesn't help that I think he's right. It really doesn't. Oh god, I am never having kids.
He tried to say that was a universal you and had no bearing on the personal you, but it was too late.
eta: gotta head for bed. Goodnight!
He tried to say
Yeah, nothing that comes after this is going to mindwipe what came before. Unfortunately.
Let me see if I can find a silver lining...
He pays attention to detail?
Yeah... Nope, sorry I got nothing.
On the other hand, I've stopped the sobbing for the moment. I feel like this could be a good thing.
It really doesn't help that I think he's right.
Me too.
Grumpy from the overworkedness. Over tired. I should be in bed, but I wanted to skim the missed threads.