Also? It is Tuesday.
Immediately after I posted I realized that my FIRM INTENTION pretty much means I have to post them tomorrow, 'cuz Con starts Thursday, even though I can't go 'til Saturday. I planned to bring the disk to work with me to do it today, but then didn't 'cuz of the running-late-all-flustered-gotta-forget-something-vibe that I have most mornings. Maybe I can use Mom's schmancy new computer (I did pay for it after all) tonight after KungFu.
Wow, could I babble about myself more? (Okay, probably, yeah. But I'll try not to).
My luck, she'd have run screaming around the garden setting everything on fire and we'd be homeless.
Yeah, but at least in that instance you would have been laughing your asses off in the street as your home burned.
I watched The Sentinel for the fanfic. And only for the fanfic. Oh, ok, because the guys were cute. And by "cute" I mean "enjoyable to contemplate while reading slashy fanfic".
I watched it because... umm. SciFi showed it after B5, and I was lazy, and it was slashtastic.
Raquel should be BlairHair4EVER.
And I still think that there should be a Blair Shaves His Head archive of Blair Hair cutting stories WITH NO WARNINGS!!! (Sorry, my mind still boggles at the weirdness that is fandom.)
Was considering a vacation from the internets. Got bored after 18 hours. Back.
I think actual vacations from the internets are things that should be planned around being places without broadband. Else it's too tempting.
HPV survives more effectively in damp places and delicate skin, which is why the poor foreskin gets such a bad reputation. Between condoms (less effective for HPV than other things, as it's a skin-to-skin transmission thing) and that spanking new vaccine (may it come into wide use soon, extremists notwithstanding), I'd feel comfortable leaving any boy of mine uncut. I looked after the nephew when he was little. It's really not a huge cleaning issue, or a cleaning issue at all. IIRC, they stay decently clean with regular washing until the teen years, when all bets are off and all bits get stinky. Bits, for the sake of this paragraph, includes armpits. Though I haven't run into stinky uncut adult cocks, perhaps because when I was still dating, I had some obsessive odor hatred issues, so people smelling off was a deal breaker.
(Actually, my main reason for even allowing cutting to cross my mind when I didn't know my child's gender was my standard hedging of religious bets.)
Just overheard from the other side of my cubicle
M: That can't be right. It's male-to-male.
R: So, maybe they're gay.
The Drafters are Slashing the Turbine Engine Controls!
M: That can't be right. It's male-to-male.
R: So, maybe they're gay.
The Drafters are Slashing the Turbine Engine Controls!
Well, hell, my ex-boss slashed me with my flatmate before 500 or so kids aged 7 - 18 and all my colleagues. Nothing surprises me now. Slash has clearly taken over the world.
There's a really cute SGA story where Rodney is trying to fix something and Zelenka (???) and John are making comments about the male/female thing and generally acting 12.
I'm pretty sure it was on sga_flashfic, but I can't remember the name.
I'd feel comfortable leaving any boy of mine uncut.
Once again, when it comes to the baby stuff, Plei is me. When we didn't know what we were having, though, DH told me that he was really in favor of the snipping. Thankfully, we never had to resolve the issue since it's not something you can really compromise on.
t and now I descend back to the piles of law outlines
Annabel just said "done"! I think.
For weeks now I've been trying to get her to say "done" when she's finished eating. Instead, she's either stared at me blankly, but looked happy when I unhooked the high chair tray, or else reached down to unhook the tray herself.
Today I asked her if she was done, but got distracted from looking at her or reaching for the high chair tray when I noticed the phone was on the table next to her, and thought that I should check and make sure I didn't get any Important Voicemails while I was out running an errand (since I have job applications out and am still stalking elusive editors for that writers conference). So I picked up the phone and checked. Annabel gave me a quizzical/indignant look and said "Done?" At least, I think she did. It wasn't super-well enunciated, but that's what it sounded like. So I got her out of the chair and praised her to the skies--"That was so good, Annabel! When you talk to Mama, it's so much easier for her to know what you need!"
Sunday while playing in the living room, she walked to the door, stood on tiptoe to grab the doorknob, waved to me with her other hand, and said "Bah."
I think she's starting to figure out the talking thing. She's still in no hurry, but at least I'm pretty sure she has the idea down now.
Annabel just said "done"! I think.
Awww. Yay, Annabel!
Everyday life stuff is overwhelming me today.