Is it is a bug birthday today?
It is! I'm the big two nine.
Potential two just left. He's much better...a little young, but nice and stuff. Plus, Toto LOVED him, and not in the arm-humping way - in the I'm-gonna-just-lean-my-head-on your-leg kind of way
It is! I'm the big two nine.
Happy Birthday Bug!
Wishing you peace, love, joy, freedom, sex and excitement.
I'm-gonna-just-lean-my-head-on your-leg
Best thing about dogs...
edit: Whoa. The html-fixer really didn't. Let's try this again. Better though it ate much of my post.
I just got an e-mail from the professor that's advising my Independent Study for the fall. After telling me that he's looking forward to working with me, he said, "I'd also like to lead your HP paper!"
What does it say about me that I think he wants to lead my Harry Potter paper? I have absolutely *no* idea what he's talking about.
Happy birthday, vw! I hope you find the perfect roomie as a b'day present.
So I decided to be a guinea pig and got the Photo Finish color correct in green this weekend.
The good: It feels good going on, dries quickly, and seems to work as advertised -- it makes my skin look both smoother and less pink (though I haven't put it to too much of a test yet by, e.g., going for a jog.)
The bad: I think the added green/yellow plays up the dark circles under my eyes. This could be fixed with a spot of concealer, but of course I don't have any here at work.
All in all I'm pretty happy with the stuff, and I was a major doubter.
I was wondering abotu the different PHoto Finish color correcting thingies - I have chronic raccoon eyes, but I'm also sallow, so am I looking at two different colors to correct? i think I'm just gonna wait till I get a chance to go to a Sephora store and get all made up and buy a bunch of cosmetics that I may or may not use. Which I'm planning on doing when I zip up to New York to see Spamalot. Because I always have all kinds of time and money on my fantasy vacations.
Honors Program?
That's gotta be it, but I have no idea how he heard about that project. I've only talked to my advisor about it. Clearly they must have talked,'s just kinda funny.
i think I'm just gonna wait till I get a chance to go to a Sephora store and get all made up and buy a bunch of cosmetics that I may or may not use. Which I'm planning on doing when I zip up to New York to see Spamalot.
Sephora opened Friday in the mall across the street from my office. Like a crackhouse, I tells ya. I'm going over there in a little while, to engage in a little shopping therapy.
Happy birthday, vw! Good luck with the roomie selection.
Happiest of B-days to vw!!!
Good grief, I'm positive there were other things I wanted to comment on, but my brain, she has gone empty...
I may need caffeine.
Not enough gronk in the world...