I like your new hair, by the way. I don't know if I mentioned.
Looks like Lindt is Swiss (originally, anyhow). I am trying to google chocolate from Germany. I love how I can pick words out in German: schokolade; extra feine Milch-Schoki; Milchschokolade; Alpenmilschschokolade.
Sarotti is the one I was thinking of. They used to make a bitter cream chocolate bar that was to die for.
I enjoy German food more than I previously thought. There's lots of dill. Love dill.
Yeah, Tep, thought you'd like that.
Hec, shut up.
::zips lip::
Reibekuchen mit hausgemachtem Apfelmus $9.00
(Potato Pancakes with Homemade Apple Sauce)
Maultaschen in Pilzrahmsoße $10.50
(German Ravioli filled with Pork and Vegetables served with Mushroom Sauce)
Hering nach Hausfrauenart mit Schmand, Zwiebeln, Gurken und Kartoffeln $9.50
(Pickled Herring with Sour Cream, Onions, Pickles and Potatoes)
Semmelknödel mit Pilzrahmsoße $10.50
(Bread Dumpling with Mushroom Sauce)
Vesperplatte mit Schinken, Blutwurst, Kabanossi, Bulette, Salami und Käse $13.50
(Appetizer Plate with Ham, Blood Sausage, Kabanossi, Meatball, Salami and Cheese)
Käsespätzle mit Zwiebel-Buttersoße und gemischtem Salat $12.00
(Cheese Spätzle in Onion Butter Sauce served with a small Mixed Salad)
Champignon gefüllt mit Spinat und Schafskäse auf Paprikasoße $10.50
(Portobella Mushroom stuffed with Spinach and Feta Cheese served on a Pepper Sauce)
contemplating the menu
Wiener Schnitzel vom Schwein mit Bratkartoffeln und grünem Salat $16.00
(Breaded and Sauteed Porkloin with Roasted Potatoes and Green Salad)
Jägerschnitzel in Champignonsoße mit Spätzle und grünem Salat $16.50
(Sauteed Porkloin in Mushroom Sauce served with Spätzle and Green Salad)
Sauerbraten mit Preiselbeerkonfitüre, serviert mit Rotkohl und Spätzle $17.00
(Marinated and Braised Beef with Cranberries served with Red Cabbage and Spätzle)
Gebratene Rehmedaillions in Rotwein-Pflaumensoße mit Rotkohl und Spätzle $18.50
(Sauteed Venison Medallions in Red Wine Plum Sauce with Red Cabbage and Spätzle)
Kassler vom Grill mit Sauerkraut und Kartoffelbrei $14.50
(Grilled Cured Pork Chop with Sauerkraut and Mashed Potatoes)
Gegrillte Nünberger Bratwurst mit Sauerkraut und Kartoffelbrei $13.50
(Grilled Pork Sausage with Sauerkraut and Mashed Potatoes)
Falscher Hase mit Zwiebelsoße und Kartoffelbrei $12.50
(Meatloaf with Bacon and Egg served with Onion Sauce and Mashed Potatoes)
Linseneintopf, süß-sauer, mit Gemüse und Bauernwurst $8.50
(Lentil Stew, sweet and sour, with Vegetables and Farmers Bratwurst)
Gebratene Forelle in Zitronen Buttersoße mit Kartoffeln und Spinat $15.50
(Sauteed Trout in Lemon Butter Sauce with Bouillon Potatoes and Spinach)
Sorry, that stretches things vertically. But I'm too lazy to put in all the line breaks.
I like dill. I would definitely try most of the German foods discussed here today, and stuff I'm hitting on Google. I like how substantial the food sounds, which is odd, considering I have no appetite.
Here's all kinds of German foods: [link]
Now I want to take German lessons. Apropos of little, I want to take Gaelic, too. I also wish I'd studied to be a linguist of one sort or another.
I also wish I'd studied to be a linguist of one sort or another.
You'd make a cunning linguist.
I just got home from seeing Dark Water. This movie does not have a vw rating. CREEPY! I think I'm going to have nightmares tonight.
Also, I will note that Emily is not home from her test. She had to be there at 1:15. I imagine it didn't start till 1:45 or 2, but still, eek! I hope she gets home soon. And, she's going to be exhausted.
Hec, did you notice the Toto short hair pics? ;)
Matt's mom makes a good saurbratten. mmmm
today we biked to breakfast . Matt more or less finished the guitar for our 7 yr old neighbor. I did much gardening. and I have done much reading in the garden. It has just hit too hot outside so it might be time for couch and nap/read/tv.