An ugly cake once bit my sister.
Sweetie, nothing looks pretty when it's in somebody's mouth. I've seen pictures.
...Johnny Depp would. And Gillian Anderson. She'd look pretty in somebody's mouth. And so would Jack Davenport, I'm betting. And Alexis Denisof, and Eliza Dushku, and Michael Shanks, and Ben Browder, and....[this paragraph could last a long time. Let's just suppose that it
continued for Quite Some Time and skip on to the end, shall we kiddies?]...and Sean Maher, and Gina Torres, she'd look good in somebody's mouth, boy howdy. Ahem. But chewed up foodstuffs in people's mouths? Not so much with the picturesque. So I apologise for my porny tangent, because I totally agreed with the thrust (heh, thrust) of Erika's point.
Cake and wrasslin'? Could be the best weekend evah!
And once again, Mr Sweden is me.
I'm getting a Pie in Cake for my birthday this year.
Pie IN cake? Cakey goodness surrounding PIE? Oh, my.
I had a crab enchilada for lunch. It was very yummy, even if it was ugly as sin, just like Steph's mom's cake. You know, the one that bit Fay's sister.
Ok. I'm signing off till after the party. I hope you all have a fabulous evening!
Have fun! Wish Toto a happy b-day for me!
vw, hope you, Toto and crew have a fabulous party. If you're worried the uglyass cake will ruin it, bring it over. I will hide it well, and truly.
Never had...this seems wrong.
Now, Fay, I didn't say no*body* would look good in someone's mouth. Just not food.
You were very right, Erika. It just took me to a porny place, and I found that I liked it.
Since I have no coke or milk or juice in the flat, I have invented a beverage. I call it 'Dirty Chocolate Milk'. Or possibly 'Popped Cherry Chocolate Milk'. It is not Ugly Cake, but it is YUMMY.
1 can of condensed milk
some ice cubes
some Baskin Robbins vanilla icecream
Some chocolate syrup
Some more chocolate syrup
Some water
A few measures of cherry brandy.
Whizz everything together in the blender, serve with a straw and enjoy. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Pssst! Fay is going to kill herself with bad cuisine. We might need an intervention.