Will someone remind me that people will still love me even if my cake is the ugliest thing on the planet?
vw, people will still love you because the person who baked the alleged ugliest cake on the planet is one of the most beautiful people, inside and out, that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. So there.
vw, I would never forgive you for serving me an ugly cake. NEVER! No human of conscience could. It is unforgiveable. In the course of human history, you have to take a stand for that which is good and right and against that which is cake and ugly. I think we all know where you should stand. Make the choice today.
Will someone remind me that people will still love me even if my cake is the ugliest thing on the planet?
Hey, once it's cut, there ain't no cake that's pretty. It's all snorf, snorf, snorf.
Yes, of course people will love you, sillyhead.
vw, what kind of horrible, judgemental people could you possibly know who would look badly at the person who worked hard making a fun party and delicious homemade cake for them? Come on, homemade cake is THE BOMB, no matter how it looks. I just can't imagine you could hang out with anyone who would react with anything but delight.
Just me. I hang out with me, and I'm that judgemental...of me, anyway...not anyone else. I know none of my friends are that way. I just...you know...I want it to be *perfect*.
I just...you know...I want it to be *perfect*.
I've been meaning to talk to you about his... No wait, I've already talked to you about his like ninety jillion times.
Quit killing yourself over the false god of perfection!
Thank you, that is all.
Will someone remind me that people will still love me even if my cake is the ugliest thing on the planet?
I'm not coming, because I knew you'd make an uglyass cake. Scott stayed out of work every day but Wednesday and today, so that I could tell the truth when I said he'd been out of work all week, and therefore escape looking at that horrible cake. Ugh. Why do I even know you?
How's it taste?
vw--where things having to do with other human beings are concerned, I think you should work real hard to replace "perfect" with "wonderful." I would much rather have a wonderful evening (which includes lovely bits of imperfection--since I am imperfect myself) than one which is perfect.
vw--where things having to do with other human beings are concerned, I think you should work real hard to replace "perfect" with "wonderful." I would much rather have a wonderful evening (which includes lovely bits of imperfection--since I am imperfect myself) than one which is perfect.
While this is all wise and healthy and shit, I have to note that I am still simmering with bitter rage over the ugly ass cake.
I can't forgive it and here's why: because cake means something. And when somebody puts time and effort into doing something special for me and then their cake is less than exactly level? Well, it means that their love is lopsided as well and clearly they are not a good person, but a person with lopsided love. Which is no kind of love at all. Obviously. In fact, the whole gesture of generosity becomes suspect at that point. It is almost as if they were trying to mock me with their lumpy cake.
::glares at vw with the wounded look of a betrayed friend. Tastes frosting when she's not looking. Sneaks a chocolate covered strawberry. Taps foot imatiently waiting for her to leave the room to steal another strawberry::
I've been meaning to talk to you about his... No wait, I've already talked to you about his like ninety jillion times.
Hee! Sometimes I just need reminding. And I come to the right place for it :)
I would much rather have a wonderful evening (which includes lovely bits of imperfection--since I am imperfect myself) than one which is perfect.
Very good point. I am hoping for a wonderful evening. I was just hoping for a perfect cake :). I'm remembering, though, that one of the best things I ever baked looked hysterical. I have a picture of it somewhere around here (not on the computer, though). We called it "The Leaning Cake of Carrots." It was the most fabulous carrot cake I'd ever tasted, but I did not get my mother's cake-making genes (my mom used to bake cakes for a living...she's amazing). I cut it so crooked that the thing leaned. We were afraid it was going to slide right off the plate before we got a chance to eat it.