Hey Raquel, Barry pitched another beauty last night against the Angels. And check this out:
Zito, who has gone 7-2 with a 2.49 ERA over his past 10 starts to pull even on the year at 8-8 with a 3.55 ERA
And Rich Harden is throwing filthy filthy stuff up there right now. His heater is 99, and he throws a "spluckle" that's got batters calling it a phantom pitch. It's a split/knuckler that dives down sharply but breaks unpredictably to the left or right. It's like watching Pedro Martinez in his prime.
I don't like training people. Especially people whose thought/learning processes are so much different than my own.
My car is in the shop for the 4th or 5th time in the last two months. Fucker died AGAIN. The dealership has no clue. I've already spend almost $1000 and the thing still won't run. All of the Acura people are being total a-holes. I just want my car fixed. Once it is, chargeback motherfuckers! Take me to court - I fucking dare you.
A friend of mine burned down her apartment from over zealous cleaning. I learned a valuable lesson, and I hope you do to.
Between Hec's friend and vw's bookshelf, I am never cleaning again. Whoot!
There is going to be a new Sharpe movie!
Double Whoot!
Note to self: Never give bloody with Teppy, because the poor girl will be waiting
I have tiny veins that hide, so Teppy would probably be done before they actually got any blood out of me. Also, I apparently have sticky blood, so it oozes out real slow. Even when taking garlic pills. It will be the death of me I'm sure, but hopefully not for a while.
Oh my GOD, GC. I cannot believe you are dealing with this bullshit AGAIN!
I know!!! They fucking suck! I have pages of notes and all of my receipts so that I can chargeback and if they so desire, see them in court. Ridiculous. Argh.
To use: Apply evenly over clean, moisturized skin and let set for one minute, then apply foundation as usual.
I've been using it over moisturizer (except for yesterday when I was still too asleep and forgot the moisturizer part) but without any other foundation, but then that's how I used the regular photofinish too.
it oozes out real slow
I know when Kat gave blood, they told her this was from being dehydrated. So drink more water, Missy!
Also, I apparently have sticky blood, so it oozes out real slow. Even when taking garlic pills.
Take a couple of aspirin in the morning before you go, that'll help too.