Personally, I never thought Rebecca's biggest fear was that Roger would kill little girls. She may have gotten caught up in the Pre-filer's view of things, but I think her biggest fear was just that he would eventually move onto molesting them instead of just watching, which she probably thinks of as worse than death, having lived with the consequences of a similiar experience (I assume) most of her life. To me, that's what that stare was from her at the end.
She knows what his future victims will have to live with emotionally and mentally, and I think part of her really wanted to tell Martin to shoot Roger just for that alone. Death is easy. Living after a crime like that being done to you, is not.
ETA: And I agree with the "Pre-filer rush job just to get at Rebecca" thing.
Remember the good old days, when Donnie Pfaster had to be called a "death fetishist," because the netowrk would not allow them to say "necrophiliac" on air? Good times, good times.
For the record, it's relatively rare for pedophiles to be particularly murderous. Pederasty has more in common with acquaintance-rape than with serial murder, on the whole. Which is not to say that no pederast in history hasn't eventually advanced to murder, but it's quite common to spend 30 years performing child-rape as a Catholic priest while passing in everyday society without the danger of a corpse being found.
Which factoid has minimal relationship with the episode, since it avowedly was mixing up serial killers with spree killers, and probably meant to boil it all down to "dudes what do bad things."
So I'm trying to figure out why the assumption of the prefiler or Rebecca is that he would have eventually murdered. Was it because he had identified a victim in wee Aubrey? But that could have been for molestation, or even just staring at her for jackoff purposes.
The other victims seemed to have a more clear intent.
So I'm trying to figure out why the assumption of the prefiler or Rebecca is that he would have eventually murdered.
Rebecca had a whole spiel about it. He would know his feelings were wrong, and he would hate the girls for making him have these feelings, and to stop these oh-so-wrong feelings, he would have to eliminate what was causing them, i.e., the girls.
He would know his feelings were wrong, and he would hate the girls for making him have these feelings, and to stop these oh-so-wrong feelings, he would have to eliminate what was causing them, i.e., the girls.
I have to say, that logic is unassailable, but also totally generic. You could apply that logic to anybody who has powerful feelings of guilt, and most people do not murder their parents/lovers/children/ice cream sandwiches.
Feeling guilty, and being guilty, and doing something that requires the disposal of a body and a web of elaborate lies, are three very different things. It takes some work to go from one step to the next, and that step to the third state of being is the biggest.
most people do not murder their parents/lovers/children/ice cream sandwiches.
Tim, please make an episode about a man who murders ice cream sandwiches. Thank you.
I firmly believe people get off on stuff they'd never do. Snuff porn does not a sexual killer make.
In principle I'd agree about people getting off on stuff they'd never do -- but if its real snuff porn he's getting off on real people really dying. I don't see a big leap between that and doing it yourself.
Hmm. Just had a thought.
What if, because (given Rebecca's profile) Roger hates himself for feeling the way he does, and hates the girls for making that feeling happen, that rather than go through with molestation AT ALL, he goes right to killing them?
In his mind, maybe if he kills them, he thinks the temptation won't be there. Because, as I think more on Rebecca's profile, she never said he would molest, just that he hates wanting to, so before he can, he'll get rid of the girls, so he can't.
ETA: And apparently, I was beaten to it. Damn my slow "brain-to-keyboard" ratio. And I hope Tim doesn't mind, but I'ma quote him (almost).
That may be a big step, and it may be improbable....but not impossible.