Kristen, you rock.
Kevin? That posted version of the pilot script is the version before I revised for the re-shoot. For instance, you can see the initial Web/Rebecca stuff is different. I was glad to have the chance to re-write that to what I ended up with.
No problemo!
I'm just glad I found them all on my hard drive and didn't have to do anything crazy, like scanning in 600 pages.
'Twas "blocked" for me. Bandwidth issues with the page, I guess.
Kristen, thank you so much! Oh, you totally rock.
(Yup, despite previously-reported prudeness, and having no idea regarding the law's say in the matter, I seem to have no problem reading scripts online. Probably because the chances for a scripts book to ever be pulished and available for purchase are quite slim, and therefore, there's no other way to get to them. Or, maybe, because I have an interesting personality, full of self contradictions and dark secrets. Either explanation can go well with mini-piracy. I think I'll go with just the pirate hat, for now, though.)
We'll just have to call you Nilly Madarrrrrr!
We'll just have to call you Nilly Madarrrrrr!
Rimshot! P-C will be here all week, folks. Thank you and don't forget to tip the bartender. (Nilly, e-mail's on the way.)
Thanks, Kristen. I was poking around the website & read the zap2it piece on The Inside:
Asked if Gordon has sought his services for the new season of "24," Minear says, "God, no. He knows better than that. I'm a creator; I'm not going to carry water for somebody. Plus, I wouldn't make any more money, and it'd be a lot of work."
I understand his point of view, but as a Tim fan and 24 watcher I can't help thinking (longingly), "If Tim were writing for 24 Kim Bauer would probably be dead by now. Why, oh why, can't it be?!"
ETA a comma. It's that kind of attention to detail that got me where I am today. Fortunately for me my wife was willing to marry me anyway.
My dream is Tim joining BSG. He could kill the same person as many times as took his fancy.
Yeah? Well my dream is to win the lottery and never have to write, kill or leave the house again.
Of course, it possible to do the first two without having to resort to the last.
Quick DVD reccie:
"Love Me Tonight." Chevalier, MacDonald, Loy, Rodgers and also Hart. Soooo good.