Oh, of course, but even the first time she
sees him licking the ice cream cone, he's totally clear, though that could be more of a vision. I don't remember how blurry he is the first time he's all Six-y in the forest.
To do the inivisi-text thing, hit Return and start the new line with
followed by the spoilery business. Hit return and continue to speak in blackfont once more.
Why...what could this be?
I kind of love you, P-C. *smooooooch*
Well, all the whitefont convinced me to start downloading episode 8. Once that's done I can move on to episode 9 and finally read the dang whitefont! See what you guys have made me do. I'm being...almost energetic.
Tim, I liked how the thing got more the thing later, as she got more
concussed and hallucinate-y. The lines between reality and hallucination blurred, literally.
All right. You guys win. It is time I get hip to this whole "internet piracy" thing and grab these episodes so I can join in on all the whitefonty fonteneity.
Gee. I wish I could remember all this stuff. If only I had the DVDs.
If only.
Kristen, you rock.
Kevin? That posted version of the pilot script is the version before I revised for the re-shoot. For instance, you can see the initial Web/Rebecca stuff is different. I was glad to have the chance to re-write that to what I ended up with.