From a new massage therapy my company is offering:
Using our touch-based skills and in relation to your wish for change, we help you find related places in your body that have become disconnected, disowned or unforgiven by you. From there we support you in discovering ways to reconnect those areas in awareness and acceptance — allowing greater ease and freedom in your body and mind, and providing access to healing on all levels.
Um... "unforgiven"? What, I raped my cerebral arteries on a pool table?
I'm full of unforgiven bits.
That would be when you hate something about your body, for being weak, or ugly, or the wrong size, shape, etc--right? I have unforgiven bits.
I forgive you, stupid boat feet
I'd try forgiving my head, but it doesn't leave me with enough energy for the effort.
I don't think I could bring myself to forgive ita's head either. ita's head treats her too badly.
I forgive you, stupid boat feet
Heh. Audrey Hepburn had boat feet, and you have more than a few qualities in common with her.
That's very flattering!
Let's do a check list.
Brunette? Check
Super pretty? Check
Stylish hair? Check
Had affair with William Holden? Check
Looks good next to Gregory Peck? Check
Devotes life to humanitarian causes and relieving the suffering of children worldwide? Nope.
Five out of six!
YESSSS!! I am 5/6 Audrey Hepburn, good enough for me!