This is Kristen, coming to you live from high atop the Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.
No, really. If I were any higher atop the Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, I'd be a Steve Wynn ad. Or maybe a helicopter, I dunno. It could really go either way.
Interesting side note: The top floor of the Mandalay Bay looks nothing the rest of the hotel. It looks more like a House of Blues. I do not know why this is. But it pleases me so I will not complain. Except to ask, why is there no mini-bar, motherfuckers?
I should mention that I am somewhat tipsy. (It is entirely possible that you have guessed this already.) Or perhaps, you know, the "D" word. (I suggest the "D" word only because it took me five minutes to compose this paragraph.)
Tonight was good. I am very glad that I said, screw fiscal responsibility, and came into town a day early. My sweet batshit crazy boy BROUGHT IT tonight and made me very happy. There was much plantonic boy-on-boy kissing, some sex with a microphone (including foreplay!), followed by a trip to the Foundation Room, where a bartender rocked and I walked up and asked a random boy if he was in a band because my friends were rumored to be his groupies. (It's a long story. And less funny when you're sober, I think.)
After said incident, I was tempted to walk up to this other dude and ask him if he was married to Celine Dion but I think that would have called for a sixth martini.
Oh! And I got a Being Human/Human Being t-shirt. Which I am totally going to wear tomorrow when I throw down at Kinkos.
Marty Casey and the Lovehammers surprised me. I loved their set and they rock Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" like no other since the Man in Black, himself. (Um. Johnny Cash. Not Will Smith or Tommy Lee Jones. -- Though, now, I feel as if I should throw a random Under Siege quote"Welcome to the Revolution"...cue Jimi Hendrix covering Bob Dylan.)
Or any Kristen-scripted?
BartlebyFink is my new favorite person. Though, no offense BF, that could totally change in the morning when Allyson tells me I am a writer she admires or some other crazy, endearing thing that makes me stupidly happy.
I would say things about Minear-scripted television except, a) I'm not sure I'm allowed to and b) I thinK I am a jinx.