He certainly doesn't know quality when he sees it, or he wouldn't have cancelled "Freaks & Greeks" when he worked at NBC.
I'm not sure what one has to do with the other.
The point I was trying to make was that I don't think Garth Ancier has a clue about anything, and probably didn't have a clue that the WB would be no more when he and Janollari ordered those two pilots. Unfortunately, Strega, some of my lingering disgust toward the man crept in.
Five years later, and I still can't let go. Why?
Sounds like Desperate Teens.
Sounds like they are trying to cross THE OC with...I dunno...VM or LOST depending on how dark (weird) the secrets are.
If it turns out that they've just changed locations and restarted production on Eerie, Indiana, I will never be able to stop laughing.
I agree that GG/VM would be a better fit (on Tuesdays), but those who program at the networks obviously operate on a plane far different than ours.
The thing is, Dawn Ostrwhatherface is reportedly ecstatic about pairing the two, with GG in the lead. This isn't fan wishing so much, as reports.
Spike TV is developing a Blade series. This may be one less network, but it's true--there are more and more places for scripts to find home. One just has to get over the pride thing and pocket the paychecks.
One just has to get over the pride thing and pocket the paychecks.
Is it really a pride thing? Some of the most critically acclaimed scripted shows have appeared on cable networks: The Shield, Playmakers, The Closer, Monk, BSG, and plenty of others. I would think it would be more the paycheck thing, as in a much lower one.
Some of the most critically acclaimed scripted shows have appeared on cable networks:
Yes, but getting a series on Spike TV has limited cachet--don't you think? And most everything on Sci Fi that's not BSG is regarded in at best an entertaining light (Stargates) and at worst it's Mansquito. I say that knowing my best friend's series debuts on the channel in six months--the BSG glow doesn't rub off on him automatically.
and at worst it's Mansquito.
You made me laugh out loud and not at a good time.
and at worst it's Mansquito
This sounds like a dare. Don't give them any ideas.