C - Daniel Day Lewis, M - Gary Oldman, F - Adrian Brody (though I don't understand why...)
Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise, Vince Vaughn - C 'em all, though I could be persuaded to go TPing with VV
MMMMM - Seth Green, C - Adam Brody, F - Neal Patrick Harris
(can't really identify the others without serious IMDBing, so I'm skipping them...)
How are you doing today, Allyson?
There is nothing wrong with carnitas, guacamole, salsa, and soft tortillas. Which would be what I am having for supper, so nyaaah.
I want those. I want those now. Despite having an upset stomach.
So do I, even though I haven't finished breakfast yet.
Turns out Trader Joe's has truly excellent carnitas. Who'd have thunk it?
I've had them before, Betsy. You're not wrong.
How are you doing today, Allyson?
I've gone mad. There's a half-written essay on my screen, mocking me. I can't seem to get a sentence out. Jesus. It's not like I'm writing the next To Kill a Mockingbird. Shouldn't be this hard, suddenly.
It is hard. Bird by bird. Do NOT look back. Do not edit. Move forward, one stupid badly-written word at a time.
Try closing your eyes, Allyson.
No, no, I'm serious. I've found that to help. Can't hurt, right?
What Betsy said, and Katie.
Also, when you really need a break from the work, try something non-computer, like playing with Ruby, just for 5 or 10 minutes, to clear your mind a little.
Shouldn't be this hard, suddenly.
As you would say to me: You're thinking too hard and freaking yourself out. Don't make me hide the keys to your Firebird.
A head-trick that sometimes works for me: Get out a smallish notebook and handwrite. The short pages force you to move forward; looking back takes effort. Also you can't edit.