F-Jake Gyllenhaal, C-Heath Ledger, M-George Clooney (neither of us is the marrying kind, so we'd stay out of each other's way and not expect romantic gestures)
C-Philip Seymour Hoffman, C-Jack Black, C-Steve Buscemi (all three revolt me)
F-Hugh Grant, C-Cillian Murphy (into the same creepy dumpster as Crispin Glover), M-Billy Crudup
F-Albert Finney (the only one of the three that I ever found attractive), C-Sean Connery, M-Michael Caine (he'd be great fun to talk to)
I read somewhere that Wiehl would be playing a gay character in Love Monkey. My watching depends on whether or not he's neutered-for-TV best friend-gay like Will Truman.
Robin, I was all excited there for a second that you knew him and had some inside scoop. Still though, he is cute, and honestly, on a show called love monkey! c'mon.
Isn't it sad that I had to look THAT up, too?
Next thing you know, I'll be waxing rhapsodic about my favorite Tim-penned episodes of "Buffy."
No inside scoop, sorry. Except that inside ME, I find TC adorable.
Yeah, I meant that both int he metaphorical AND the literal way, because I am a naughty naughty girl.
Kristen, that the Don Nicholl Fellowship thingy's coming up in May. Maybe you should submit something to them?
I think about the Nicholl every year. And then I remember that, the one time I tried writing a feature, it didn't go very well.
How does one structure a story when they don't know where the toothpaste commercials go? I mean, for reals.
Also also, Kristen should totally try for Love Monkey.
The show is so (in theory) me! I got a million stories from my former life!
ETA: Also, the thing from the commercial about Sid Vicious's real name always cracks me up because, one memorable night, we were in a bar downtown playing some drinking game and I totally won because I kept throwing out the real names of various musicians.
Careful or you'll get spanked.
Uhh, that was to Robin, but you probably risk spanking too, Kristen.
Why am I getting spanked?
Do I get to pick who's spanking me?
I'll take Jenna Jamison for $500, Alex.
I don't think we have any Jenna Jamison in our roster, sorry. In fact, all we seem to have is Pitt in Troy, since Robin is using the Ed guy.