M-Heath Ledger, C-Jake Gyllenhaal, F-George Clooney. I am as one with ita here: Adorable, (achingly pretty but) anger issues, (so very F-able but) marriage issues.
C or F (with some regrets either way) -Philip Seymour Hoffman, F or C (with some regrets either way) -Jack Black, M-Steve Buscemi
M-Billy Crudup, C C C C C C-Hugh Grant, F-Cillian Murphy; in this trio, the chucking is the only thing that inspires much of any passion in me.
M-Albert Finney, F-Michael Caine, C C C C C-Sean Connery. Though really, my one true wildly inappropriate oh so much older celebrity is Gene Hackman.
Also, having gone out for drinks and dinner with juliana last night, I have to say that IMO she's much, much prettier than Cillian Murphy. Though possibly he should meet me for drinks and dinner too, in order to duplicate the testing conditions and make the comparison all scientific-like.
Also also, Kristen should totally try for
Love Monkey.
A Kristenverse thread would be awesome, and the name
Love Monkey
is so very rich in b.org thread title possibilities.
Love Monkey. That's the new CBS show starring Brandon Walsh, Buffy's first b.f. in Sunnydale (no, not Angel, the one before him), and the Dumbo-eared guy from "Ed"...right?
ETA: Yep, it is. (Just checked.)
For some reason, I was afraid I was getting it confused w/ John Stamos' show, or the one that's supposed to be starring the 7th Heaven hottie.
Frankly, they ALL sound similar to me. But, you know, whatever.
Dumbo-eared guy from "Ed".
you mistyped cutiehead Tom Cavanaugh.
Uh, no I didn't...?
I kid. Yes, Tom Cavanaugh is cute. I bow to his cuteness.
Tom Cavanaugh is cute. And smart too, if you've seen him interviewed.
F-Jake Gyllenhaal, C-Heath Ledger, M-George Clooney (neither of us is the marrying kind, so we'd stay out of each other's way and not expect romantic gestures)
C-Philip Seymour Hoffman, C-Jack Black, C-Steve Buscemi (all three revolt me)
F-Hugh Grant, C-Cillian Murphy (into the same creepy dumpster as Crispin Glover), M-Billy Crudup
F-Albert Finney (the only one of the three that I ever found attractive), C-Sean Connery, M-Michael Caine (he'd be great fun to talk to)
I read somewhere that Wiehl would be playing a gay character in Love Monkey. My watching depends on whether or not he's neutered-for-TV best friend-gay like Will Truman.
Robin, I was all excited there for a second that you knew him and had some inside scoop. Still though, he is cute, and honestly, on a show called love monkey! c'mon.
Isn't it sad that I had to look THAT up, too?
Next thing you know, I'll be waxing rhapsodic about my favorite Tim-penned episodes of "Buffy."
No inside scoop, sorry. Except that inside ME, I find TC adorable.