OK, who is Billy Crudup? Perhaps I should look him up before I marry him.
ETA: Wikipedia tells me:
He received negative publicity when they broke up because she was seven months pregnant with their son William Atticus and he was seen with actress Claire Danes. Danes and Crudup both confirmed they were dating in 2004.
Not very nice.
BF has met both BC and MLP and says that from what he has heard there is a lot more to the story of the break-up and that if the truth came out people would think a lot more kindly about BC.
Excellent. Then I'll let my M stand.
I just wondered whether that was the thing that was causing people to C him left and right. I'd never heard anything about his life either way.
F - Philip Seymour Hoffman, C - Jack Black, M - Steve BuscemiwhoisOMGHAWT.
Don't tell anyone else, Plei, but
that one was for you.
M - Heath Ledger, C - Jake Gyllenhaal, F - George Clooney
M - Billy Crudup, F - Hugh Grant, C - Cillian Murphy (WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIS FACE!!)
glad I'm not the only one to have missed the Cillian memo.
I'm not ready to judge Cillian. But give me time, and hoo boy!
He could just be a normal skinny guy.
F - Heath Ledger, C - Jake Gyllenhaal, M - George Clooney
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jack Black, Steve Buscemi... um, no.
F - Billy Crudup, C - Hugh Grant, Observe from a safe distance - Cillian Murphy
Albert Finney, Michael Caine, Sean Connery... I might take these guys to a nice buffet, but FCM? NSM.
Sean Connery is gross. You people are weird.