F - Heath Ledger, C - Jake Gyllenhaal, M - George Clooney
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jack Black, Steve Buscemi... um, no.
F - Billy Crudup, C - Hugh Grant, Observe from a safe distance - Cillian Murphy
Albert Finney, Michael Caine, Sean Connery... I might take these guys to a nice buffet, but FCM? NSM.
Sean Connery is gross. You people are weird.
I don't understand the code here, but even though I don't find Sean Connery very attractive in general, he's very attractive as Agamemnon in "Time Bandits".
Cillian Murphy looked quite disturbing (yet pretty) in "Batman Begins". But he really looks approachably scrumptious in "The Girl With The Pearl Earring".
Cillian Murphy looked quite disturbing (yet pretty) in "Batman Begins".
Yeah, see, this is the only thing I've seen him in, so... no F-ing or M-ing. Nuh-uh.
cillian is creepy. he was LESS creepy in the Scarecrow mask in Batman Begins.
Cillian is in the Uncanny Valley, and I don't know why.
he was LESS creepy in the Scarecrow mask in Batman Begins.
Sure. It hid the "surely he's too young to need that much botox" expression.
Cillian looked fairly beautiful in an attractive way in 28 Days Later.
It's the addition of the floppy hair and the cleaning up that tumbled him into Uncanny Valley land.