I checked - I have one picture of the red armor, with the gold gown thing and gold boots next to it. I took five pictures of the Tucker (I had never seen one for real before.)
Want me to send you the picture? (The stuff was all behind a glass case, so the pictures in your art book are much better, I'm sure.)
I saw Pylea. It was about the size of my head.
I touched Angel's convertible. It was about the size of a car.
I bounced on Inara's bed. It wasn't as sticky as I thought it would be.
Thank you for the offer, Tommyrot, but I'm really only interested in the dresses, which I have big droolworthy pictures of.
Was Pylea a matte painting, Allyson? I've completely forgotten. And snerk about the bed.
It was a sculpture, Betsy. So weird!
You know, television and movie props are strangely disappointing up close,
This is probably why the LoTR cast kept going on and on about the detail on their weapons and armor. "It's got little sigils on it that you can't even see on the screen!"
I saw Chingachkook's blue war club--it has little blue-painted metal strap-thingies holding the three pieces of it together, and it's just painted plywood! And not even pre-Revolutionary plywood, at that.
I don't know Vengeance Unlimited. Looks interesting.
Made me think of G v. E, but I can't recommend that to anyone, since I found it boring.
I guess some good came out of watching Jay Harrington's crap comedy Partner(s) after all, as I had an epic dream about being immersed in an episode of The Inside last night. It's not all clear to me now, but there was an innocuous accountant who was really the killer with a chamber-of-horrors basement, Rebecca figured out that they had the wrong creepy van under surveillance, and the climax involved an impossibly steep hill covered in Italian palazzos and a decrepit red stone castle.