You deserve some cheese today. I am just so very impressed, with the fun as well as the skill and talent.
I can't write like you can, Kristen, but can I ever abuse those quotation marks!
Go, Kristen! It sounds like today went very well. I hope you get good news soon.
Yay! So happy for you that it went well. It must have been so cool. Continuing to think the good thoughts and send them westward.
Kristen, that's just fabulous. I'm so happy for you, regardless of the outcome.
Yay Kristen!!!
I would never do such a thing, though. I'm talking about Jesse. You know how she is.
Anyway, I'm scared of ita's mother.
Yay Kristen! Now I'll keep thinking good thoughts for the final outcome.
Have I said "Yay Kristen"?
Well then, Yay Kristen!
I normally hate waiting, but just that such a big deal went so well is an accomplishment itself, so I'm looking at this as a celebration phase. This is so great to read, Kristen. I'm so glad for you.
Whoot! Adding to the chorus of "yay Kristen!"s.
Keeping fingers and toes x-ed, metaphorically if not otherwise. Sounds like it was a win scenario no matter what the specific outcome of this.
Thanks again to everyone!
And Cindy, normally, I hate waiting too. I am an incredibly impatient person. But, with this, it's such a relief to be done. I mean, there's nothing else I can possibly do so I'm enjoying being done.
Of course, I do predict that I will totally freak out on the plane on Friday because I won't have voicemail access for five hours.
Oh! And I completely forgot. I got a souvenir
Which, given the Lloyd Dobler reference I made in my Disney bio, is either a bad omen or just really freaking funny.