FCM: Wesley, Gunn, Giles.
F the shit out of Gunn, C Wesley (love you, but the lesser of three goods is still evil) M Giles and live happily ever after in a cottage on the Cotswalds (and there’s canon to support that he likes black women. Shit, that means that I have to fight ita. Does anyone have a sniper rifle? Maybe I could just wait until she’s done.)
BtVS S7 Giles, AtS S4 Gunn, and BTVS Wesley
See above
BtVS S1-S5 Giles, AtS S2-S4 Wesley, AtS S2-3 Gunn.
The Wesley choice is a bit harder now, but see above.
FCM - Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, NKOTB.
F Backstreet Boys C NKOTB (no brainer) M NSYNC
FCM- Micheal Vaughn, Jack Bristow, Julian Sark (from Alias)
FCM- Vaughn, Jack, Sark (from Alias)
This is tough-- too many issues
F Sark, C Jack, M Vaughn
Though since Vaughn burned down his marriage home, maybe not.
What did he burn down?
The house he and DoubleAgent!Wife bought together.
The house he and DoubleAgent!Wife bought together.
My god, I've blanked a lot. Where in the relationship did that happen? Was she living there still? Was she living at all?
I think the arson was just after he was forced to kill her. So, perhaps a slightly more extreme response to relationship troubles than Left Eye.
He can burn my house down after he kills me. I'm totally okay with the burning.
Right. It's not like doubleagent!Wife was going to need it anymore.
Jack, Vaughn, and Sark?
F - Vaughn and Sark, preferably, you know, together. M - Jack, though I... I dunno... it's iffy, but he does love strongly and he's definitely dedicated dad.
I think I'd prefer he burned down my house after he killed me. Then my mother would never have to know about the porn.