Also, I would really want to see the decorating scheme.
Party in the morgue, baby. Bacchanalian feast on stretchers, bunches of grapes in scales, evidence bags filled with goodies. Toe tag name badges. Pics from Scene of the Crime beamed on the walls.
Goldilocks-looking little girl working the carving station of the buffet?
Party in the morgue, baby. Bacchanalian feast on stretchers, bunches of grapes in scales, evidence bags filled with goodies. Toe tag name badges. Pics from Scene of the Crime beamed on the walls.
You are going to make me cry.
It made me sad. And it cured my migraine!
And "Karma Chameleon" decongested me. Seriously, Tim's work could totally cure cancer.
woe is me. for my dvr died and i lost all the episodes of The Inside that i had saved. have obtained Aidan, but haven't had time to watch.
Tim, please tell me you were kidding about not getting dvds.
woe is me. for my dvr died and i lost all the episodes of The Inside that i had saved. have obtained Aidan, but haven't had time to watch.
Ohmygoodness that is a tragedy. If I get the VCR hooked up to the boyf's TiFaux maybe I could make tapes.
Of course, DVDs would be vastly preferable.
Just watched Aidan. Holy sweet crap on a crutch. Gut punch after gut punch after gut punch. And Hem's Cradle Song at the end? Never, ever, has a song been more perfect.
Thanks, Jars. And that Hem song? My editor had it in there in the temp cut and I was like, "we must get that song, it is the only one that will do." It gets me every single time.
Hey there Kills-Beloved-Characters. How's the weekend shaping up?
Apropos of nothing, I've been writing cranky/pleading/wheedling letters to various bureaucratic functionaries about Hurricane Katrina for many, many days, so my letter-writing motor is running. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'll be happy to dial it down a bit and write a gently cranky/pleading/wheedling letter about the need for
Apropos of even more nothing, our new neighbor just moved into the apartment across the hall. A tall, slender, lovely, shy-looking 20-something woman named Rebecca Lock (it looks wrong without the "e," but that's how she spells it -- incognito, I suppose). I squeed out loud the first time I saw her name on the mailbox. I love knowing that Rebecca Lock lives next door, but it makes me even more bitter on show nights.