woe is me. for my dvr died and i lost all the episodes of The Inside that i had saved. have obtained Aidan, but haven't had time to watch.
Ohmygoodness that is a tragedy. If I get the VCR hooked up to the boyf's TiFaux maybe I could make tapes.
Of course, DVDs would be vastly preferable.
Just watched Aidan. Holy sweet crap on a crutch. Gut punch after gut punch after gut punch. And Hem's Cradle Song at the end? Never, ever, has a song been more perfect.
Thanks, Jars. And that Hem song? My editor had it in there in the temp cut and I was like, "we must get that song, it is the only one that will do." It gets me every single time.
Hey there Kills-Beloved-Characters. How's the weekend shaping up?
Apropos of nothing, I've been writing cranky/pleading/wheedling letters to various bureaucratic functionaries about Hurricane Katrina for many, many days, so my letter-writing motor is running. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'll be happy to dial it down a bit and write a gently cranky/pleading/wheedling letter about the need for
Apropos of even more nothing, our new neighbor just moved into the apartment across the hall. A tall, slender, lovely, shy-looking 20-something woman named Rebecca Lock (it looks wrong without the "e," but that's how she spells it -- incognito, I suppose). I squeed out loud the first time I saw her name on the mailbox. I love knowing that Rebecca Lock lives next door, but it makes me even more bitter on show nights.
Day three that Minear has DVDs and I do not.
I'm going on strike.
Friends don't get to go on strike.
But, I bet, if you hit fandom just right, you could raise funds to take out a smear ad in the Hollywood reporter.
Damn. That would be cool. Then she could embezzle it and spend it all on... I dunno, something. Help me out here.
Allyson! In a piece about pets that got rescued and were now in Chicago looking for new homes -- I saw a beagle.