Do you have a pony? No.
I get no love. And I give and give and give.
My friend Laura read my book and sent me her thoughts, and she said of Minearest and Dearest:
This is a hell of a love story. I adored it. You speak of Tim with such care and heart. He will have men and women proposing to him left and right after this book.
Jesus, Allyson, I just got them like two days ago. And I'm, um, sort of, workin' here!
Sort of workin'. Which means surfing the net in utter denial of deadlines. I understand.
I understand you're not too busy to taunt us with the knowledge that you're sitting in your jammies watching your DVDs.
Tim, why do you hate America?
Tim, why do you hate America?
Let's not play the blame game.
If he is in his Jammies... tell me they are not those scary ducky ones....some variety in jammies does stir the creative juices......
or so I am told.
He will have men and women proposing to him left and right after this book.
Yes, but what about ponies?
Ponies want to marry Tim now?
Everybody wants to marry Tim after they buy Allyson's book. Which must ipso facto mean that everybody is going to buy Allyson's book. Yea!
::insert your humorous and/or irrelevant remark here::