I caught this on Whedonesque, some "Support Spike" fan spoke to James Marsters at a convention;
"I also talked to him about a Spike Movie. I reiterated to him that Joss Whedon had approached Tim Minear to write and direct. [Note: James learned about Tim Minear earlier that day during the Q&A]. James said he thought Tim would do a good job and mentioned Tim being ruthless in his writing, which James liked. I mentioned reading that Joss was putting together a writing team and that I thought Jane Espenson would be a good compliment to Tim - she would be the light to his dark. James agreed and added that "Doug Petrie" and "Steven DeKnight" would also be good for the job."
So he wants every ME writer ever to write one scene of the movie. Okay then.
Buffy! I love you! 4 EVAH!
Oh, Spike! You spunkie!
Beastie Spunkie to you, pet!
Fade to black.
I always thought a good drinking game would be to take a drink every time Buffy tells Spike that he disgusts her or is disgusting etc.
I would love to see anything that was a Tim-and-Doug show. They are two of my favorites. (Of course, when I start to list favorites, you end up with a long list.)
I really enjoyed Doug's commentaries.
I would love to see anything that was a Tim-and-Doug show.
"Fool For Love" followed by "Darla". Flashback x-over perfection.
"Fool For Love" followed by "Darla". Flashback x-over perfection.
Yes, but that was a Tim and Doug show. The hyphens are essential. (I did enjoy that crossover, though.)
I always thought a good drinking game would be to take a drink every time Buffy tells Spike that he disgusts her or is disgusting etc.
You know, I think we missed that one.
Yes, but that was a Tim and Doug show. The hyphens are essential.
Okay, then: The Trial. The Shempire. ("You been readin' too much Anne Rice lady.") Angel & Darla in the alley. Jeeves. The birth of HSQ! I loved pre-Pylea ATS.
Kristen, now that the full seven seasons are out on DVD, you have to add rules for each time Buffy says, "It's different; he has a soul, now."