I always hated beer, until this year. Just a few months ago, I discovered that I really like some expensive beer. No cheap beer. And I still can't finish a whole bottle.
So now I can say "Beer good." Which of course makes this post on topic, because it ties into all that wonderful work Tim did on BtVS.
Angel ep,
is showing right now and the damaged girl turned slayer's backstory echos little Becky George's backstory. Well until the part where Willow the White intervened and majicks occurred. But still. The story was credited to Greenwalt and DeKnight though so I might still be waaaay off-topic. It was an interesting moment.
The broken ones are the most fun, though.
yeah, they can't run away.
What is WRONG with you people and your not drinking beer? OTOH, I suppose it's good, so if i come over, you'll always have some :)
I also always have three sorts of rum, two of vodka, four of tequila, rum liqueurs, gin, whiskey, and I guess there's champagne and wine and fruit liqueurs around too.
So you have the beer, and I'll drink the other stuff.
So you have the beer, and I'll drink the other stuff.
deal. although I call dibs on the cuddle chair.
I don't drink much (gall bladder/reflux is aggravated by alcohol), but after I move in with my new roomie I will be living in a house that is essentially a glorified liquor cabinet.
Maybe I can convince roomie to keep amaretto around. He probably wouldn't mind.
I have lots of vodka. All different kinds. I think it's multiplying or something.
I have no beer, but I do have vodka, tequila, rum, gin, wine (bubbly and non), scotch, honey liqueur, and a couple of bottles of Mike's Hard lime.
Maybe it's time to find some local friends.
I love rum. So good.
As soon as I'm done with this book, I will crack open my very expensive bottle of champagne and the pretty red flutes I've never used and Polgara and Kristen will come over and help me drink it all.
I'll bring the chopped liver!
Which, FYI, is not hummus.