When they were writing the last episode, they were pretty sure that it was going to be the last episode, so it definitely resolves a lot of things.
Not that that ep ever aired in the States (thank goodness for DVDs/Trio), but yeah, it's a pretty good ending point.
Thank you! I was obviously going to watch anyway, but it's nice to know I don't need to brace for a "How's Annie!?!?!? Moohahahahahah!!!!" moment.
I keep seeing craxyfen and thinking it's a drug.
Suffering from nutjobs? Take craxyfen and make them invisible! (Warning: may cause difficulty in following U.S. politics)
2000-2004! Thanks!
Okay. My big concern is that they may not get that specific. They might give the figures for Television licensing rev, but not break it out by show or even to the Mutant Enemy level. if it's there, I will find it.
Suffering from nutjobs? Take craxyfen and make them invisible!
Can we get Allyson a prescription?
Warning: may cause difficulty in following U.S. politics
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Warning: may cause difficulty in following U.S. politics
Will alcohol intensify this effect?
And might side effects include headache, constipation, and blurred vision?
Should heavy machinery not be operated, and grapefruit avoided?
Oops. Looks like they've recalled Craxyfen already. (Something about "liver and kidney damage.") So, if you've been injured by Craxyfen, call this number (1-800-GET-PAID) and git yo' check in the mail.
And now...
"Both the plantiff and defendant have pleaded their case, and Judge Joe Brown is ready to make his ruling. Let's listen in."