DS9 had great arc shows. Great ones.
Just because I wanted to see this said again. Pretty much the only problem with any of the DS9 arcs was that they weren't planning on being an arc show from the beginning, IMO, so they had to go to the retcon well a few too many times.
I'm taking a 'net leave of absence for two years
I'm redirecting my URL to AICN.
You know, it's apt that we were discussing The 4400 just now, cause the finale brought the HSQ like whoa.
really? i totally called it. will take it to boxed set for my actual comments.
DS9 had great arc shows. Great ones.
Oh, my God. Did it ever. Political, epic arcs, emotional arcs, moral ambiguity up the wazoo and conesequences like whoa.
t wallows in fond memory
And while I'll support whatever it is you do with ruthless loyalty, if the Spike thing happens, I'm taking a 'net leave of absence for two years and moving to Montana.
Can I come with? I'll pay for half the gas.
Okay what is it with Montana?
My parents are moving there after retiring? I just wonder what is so good about it? Sorry just a weird rant. Return to the sane people talking.
I agree with you though Allyson. With so many other things in this universe to visit, revisiting Spike is not one of them that screams unfinished story.. Ripper and anything with Faith top my list. But in all honesty, I am just Spiked out. I can't see anything left to tell in his story that would not or has not been told with either Buffy or Angel.
I must say I loved DS9(not as much as TNG) but there was a big love. I think that ended hard with the retconning, uneven writing ,the changing of Dax's, and way the Kira character ended up being written in the latter seasons. Just me though. Arch's are only as good as the overall vision. You have to have a clear motive from getting from point A to point B. To many sidetracks delute the story and bring in viewer confusion.
I'll pay for half the gas.
It should come to $5,326,254.
But in all honesty, I am just Spiked out.
I'm all done with all of it. It's the craxyfen that make my stomach hurt.
Montana's gorgeous. And big, and empty. If you aren't that keen on people, it's a good place to be. It's also nice if you like bowling.
I told Allyson this, but just for the record: My opposition to the idea of a Spike movie has nothing at all to do with Tim. I'd like him to not do it because I have a great deal of respect for him, and no respect at all for the idea, so it's irksome to have those things come in conflict. Basically, I'm selfish. You heard it here first.
If this has to find a way to light, Tim is the only person I can see making me even think about taking a peek. Maybe. So I can understand your confusion. It is sad with how much I admire his work, that because I can not find intrest or want to see this subject I would find myself passsing on it. Oh well. Is the selfish club accepting members?
My parents bought land there and are building their dream home. I like bowling....
Strega speaks for me.
Love Tim. Hope he has a million other fabulous projects that will prevent him from touching the craxxy vampire movie.