to me, the success or failure of a Spike movie is going to be less about the Spike character, and more about how the movie's written (I'm looking at you, Tim.)
Did Tim say he was asked to write too, or just to direct?
Now, he could spin off a show with Andrew, Clem and Kitty Fantastico back from the dead, and I'd be just as excited. Because I know the writing and arcs and everything I love about the Buffyverse would be in place. Plus it opens the door for both on-screen and off-screen cameos which make my inner fangurl squee.
*cough* Wolfram, there are fanboys, too, you know. That said, girl, boy, I'm with you on the above.
He posted "write," too, Cindy.
Wolfram, there are fanboys, too, you know. That said, girl, boy, I'm with you on the above.
But the word "fangurl" makes me giggle.
You know, it's apt that we were discussing
The 4400
just now, cause the finale brought the HSQ like whoa.
Tim probably would have had Tom lock all the NTAC people in the basement with distempered 4400s, though.
Well, after what happened with Kyle, you could play it that way, without too much trouble
But OMG the HSQ.
Tim, I love you this {................much.................}
And that love is pretty much unconditional. Like, if you decided to burn puppies alive, or called me a fat cuntface piece of crap, well, I'd have to rethink the love. Those sorts of conditions may apply.
And while I'll support whatever it is you do with ruthless loyalty, if the Spike thing happens, I'm taking a 'net leave of absence for two years and moving to Montana.
DS9 had great arc shows. Great ones.
Just because I wanted to see this said again. Pretty much the only problem with any of the DS9 arcs was that they weren't planning on being an arc show from the beginning, IMO, so they had to go to the retcon well a few too many times.
I'm taking a 'net leave of absence for two years
I'm redirecting my URL to AICN.
You know, it's apt that we were discussing The 4400 just now, cause the finale brought the HSQ like whoa.
really? i totally called it. will take it to boxed set for my actual comments.
DS9 had great arc shows. Great ones.
Oh, my God. Did it ever. Political, epic arcs, emotional arcs, moral ambiguity up the wazoo and conesequences like whoa.
t wallows in fond memory