Woot! You are in for a great time watching those.
I'm with the crowd that thinks a direct postscript for "Not Fade Away" would cheapen it, though in a tactical sense I think it's as possible for Angel to have survived as Illyria as long as the supercharge from Hamilton's blood lasted longer than the battle.
I suspect only Joss' plot-twisting love of the Spike character could see him through safely, and all the layers of sweatshirts in the world wouldn't be enough to save Gunn.
Wonderfalls is the one TV show that I have on DVD that my BF likes. And, yes, I have Buffy and Angel and Firefly. He doesn't like them. It's his only fault, really.
I so wouldn't date a guy who didn't get Firefly. Joss and Tim have replaced Tolkien in that aspect of my standards.
Gunn's dead. No question about that.
I don't want a post-Not Fade Away story, either, really - I'm just sort of making compromises with what I think is likely at this point. If we must have Spike, I want him with Dru. But it seems like the exec types are more interested in just-Spike.
A lot of people elsewhere have been all, "Face it, we'll all watch it no matter what." And I probably will. But I like to pretend, if it's all Spike doing things I don't care to see him do, I won't watch it. The Tim-attachment adds a new level of loyalty-watching, of course.
I'm just really tired of Spike.
Wesley's dead too.
Connor isn't though. Connor and Spike interaction might be interesting.
I can only imagine that a post-NFA Spike would be bitter. I think it should be Spike and Dru -- if at all possible.
I'm very excited at the prospect of seeing a new Buffiverse/Angelverse story.
Gunn doesn't have to be dead. Stop saying that.
I'm with ita. Don't do that to Gunn.
Gunn could have survived through some miracle. . . but Wesley is still dead, right?
(One of the places that was reporting the Blonde Vampire Movie news said something about Wesley still being available -- yeah, in which case, so are Lilah, Lindsay, and Darla.)
A movie with Spike, Dru and Harmony would be fun.
A movie with Spike, Dru and Harmony would be fun.
Only if Harmony gets staked in it. I disliked her alive and dead.
Oh, come on -- Dru's incredible non-verbal snarkiness at Harmony is just fun.