Gunn's dead. No question about that.
I don't want a post-Not Fade Away story, either, really - I'm just sort of making compromises with what I think is likely at this point. If we must have Spike, I want him with Dru. But it seems like the exec types are more interested in just-Spike.
A lot of people elsewhere have been all, "Face it, we'll all watch it no matter what." And I probably will. But I like to pretend, if it's all Spike doing things I don't care to see him do, I won't watch it. The Tim-attachment adds a new level of loyalty-watching, of course.
I'm just really tired of Spike.
Wesley's dead too.
Connor isn't though. Connor and Spike interaction might be interesting.
I can only imagine that a post-NFA Spike would be bitter. I think it should be Spike and Dru -- if at all possible.
I'm very excited at the prospect of seeing a new Buffiverse/Angelverse story.
Gunn doesn't have to be dead. Stop saying that.
I'm with ita. Don't do that to Gunn.
Gunn could have survived through some miracle. . . but Wesley is still dead, right?
(One of the places that was reporting the Blonde Vampire Movie news said something about Wesley still being available -- yeah, in which case, so are Lilah, Lindsay, and Darla.)
A movie with Spike, Dru and Harmony would be fun.
A movie with Spike, Dru and Harmony would be fun.
Only if Harmony gets staked in it. I disliked her alive and dead.
Oh, come on -- Dru's incredible non-verbal snarkiness at Harmony is just fun.
I'm not so sure about Lindsey. He really pissed of the Sr. Partners, so I could see them keeping him around as a chew toy.