But, um, not so much.
You could say you were subconsciously smart (I never know how to spell "subconscious").
I remember the Sunday I wrote 3/4ths of "Out Of Gas." I really am pathetic.
Um, will it make it less pathetic, considering how well it worked?
Which 3/4? I mean, which 1/4 did you already have or had to complete later?
Music is good! I like it. I'm right now listening to Sly and the Family Stone. How amazingly not thirty years old is their sound?
I really am pathetic.
If my eyes roll out of my head, will you buy me a seeing eye dog?
I always write in order. I can't jump around like some. And with that one, I really had to go through it the way the audience would to make it track.
How amazingly not thirty years old is their sound?
The correct answer is: Very!
Coincidentally Loaded Life & Fresh onto his iTunes today.
I'm right now listening to Sly and the Family Stone. How amazingly not thirty years old is their sound?
Depends on how much dope you've shot already tonight.
I'm kidding.
Glen Frey almost has my name.
Plus he was on Miami Vice. Which reminds me. How did I not know before this week that Mann's making a Miami Vice movie? I must've missed 97 memos.
And Tim, you need to take the Springsteen tactic. That you weren't thinking any of it but you were
all of it. People totally buy it.
I rediscovered them with this new Dick Cavett rock icons set.
What was up with pastels in the 80s?
Did someone mention the Cavett? Now, you're talking my language.