Oh, yay!
If I remember right, there's a cut scene from "Home" where there's a montage of Connor seeing people at the mall being jerks to each other, and that's what sends him into a tailspin. Was that supposed to echo the "people suck" montage in "Reprise", that had a similar effect on Angel?
Remember, the correct answer is, "Yes." No pressure.
This is long, but there were 78 posts in less than a day here, so it's not my fault:
AYNOHYEB is probably in my top ten of shows, top 5 of Ats. I've said it before and will say it again: OoG is the best episode of tv ever.
I disliked
Wyoh annoyed the heck out of me. Aw, who am I kidding . Almost all of the characters annoyed the heck out of me. And line marriages=ewwww. That said, I am
curious to see what Tim does with it, because I have no idea how the book can be saved.
I just love radio theater. When I went to grad school, I didn't bring a tv with me. Grad school was in Syracuse, the armpit of New York (sorry to any Syracusians), but the place did have one outstanding feature: a radio station that played old radio theater. I listened to The Shadow, Fibber McGee and Molly, and other great shows whose names escape me right now. It was an great substitute for tv.
Re: music, at least the conversation is more my speed than all soaps all the time. Plus, the Eagles are great, but I may be biased because Glen Frey almost has my name. Silly things like that mean a lot to me, although I'm really not sure why.
The truth is, gosh, I wish I wasn't just a terrible procrastinating hack who closes in on deadlines in 12 hour stretches and just grasps in desperation to make something track and fill the required page count and really had the focus to carefully plan out resonating narrative echoes. But, um, not so much.
I remember the Sunday I wrote 3/4ths of "Out Of Gas." I really am pathetic.
Was that supposed to echo the "people suck" montage in "Reprise", that had a similar effect on Angel?
I thought "people suck" was a recurring motif on the show. Vampires
suck, both literally and in the broader sense.
Poop. It was such a good idea.
I remember the Sunday I wrote 3/4ths of "Out Of Gas." I really am pathetic.
Man, I gotta learn to be that lame.