D. -- you think "Moon" is better than "Stranger"?
Yep, I do. Stranger annoys me. I actually think most of his juvenile works are much more fun than either of the two biggies, and sometimes get so annoyed at the failings of Moon that I drop it off my "Great works" list entirely, but then something always brings it back to me. Stranger, on the other hand, I read once, found often annoying and more often nonsensical, and will happily never read again.
The other one I wanted to sink my fangs into was Bester's "The Stars My Destination."
This would make me happier than happy, though I'd also love to see "The Demolished Man," "Psychoshop" (Did you ever read that? It was a Zelazny/Bester dual-work, and is brilliant), or any combination of his shorts stories. Bester is one of my absolute favorite writers, a personal artistic god.
The line marriages are in. I wasn't squicked by the idea. It's probably my favorite thing in the book. Endlessly interesting.
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I like them too. A lot, actually. Wouldn't want to participate in one, necessarily, but can easily understand how they could have developed and worked. I honestly don't think Heinlein was trying to pass his theoretical Moon society off as a Utopia, as so many seem to think, but rather a place that works by different principles - the line marriage seems to fit those principles, so I don't find myself pushed away from the book, any more than I would be from stories of harems in historical fiction.
Also, well, I'm going to assume Allyson's squick is with the idea of the line marriage, and the fact that the senior husband spends the night with a new wife in the family first (and vice versa - new husband goes to senior wife first, I'd assume, though we don't get a plot point to make it so) which is reasonable. But nobody forces these people NOT to be monogamous, and they are aware of their consent to sleep with any and every husband/wife when they enter, one would think. It's an economic structure designed to provide stability in the long term - and plenty a 20-year-old has married (and fucked) a 60-year-old for economic stability. This is why I don't squick.
Wyoh could've fucked just Manny all she wanted. Probably even gotten him to enter an additional marriage contract on top of the line marriage, splitting his portion of the line economics with her 1-to-1. She decided to join the line instead, which means she consents to fuck Grandpa if he can get it up, so why should I squick? It's her vagina to do with as she will.
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