Total tangent: David, does anybody actually know who shot the lala? Google is no help because all I can come up with is the song title.
Heh. Well
don't know. But a lot of that stuff isn't clear until you get to New Orleans anyway. That's where I finally figured out what the whole "spyboy" thing was about, and why he might light somebody's ass on fire.
I'm still confused, Allyson, but since I think this probably is not a topic of conversation you relish, I'll let it drop.
"The singer is not sure who shot him; but, he says, 'I know it was a .44.'"
Actually it sounds like it was a hot shot (the drug kind). Ninth Ward - figures.
Skipping ahead because, Tim, if you're still here, I have a Brilliant and Insightful Question for you. That I always remember an hour after you've passed through.
Which means I'm almost certainly too late. Grump. That'll teach me to spend the evening watching cartoons.
Here you all are, talking about your Plimsouls, and your X, and your Robert A. Heinlein...and here I am, with my Linda Ronstadt, and my Warren Zevon, and my Raymond Chandler...and I'm feeling left out.
Sad, really. Proof that my generation has passed me by totally...and I'm not even 30.
Awww Largo, Warren Zevon co-wrote songs with Carl Hiassen which is pretty noir. Not to mention "Lawyers, Guns & Money."
Warren Zevon co-wrote songs with Carl Hiassen
It must've been for his later albums. So far, I own just his self-titled album and Excitable Boy. That's only two, but in the year (or so) since I first purchased them, I don't think even one day goes by w/o my playing them, oh, three times through, apiece.
ETA: The only other times when I played a particular artist's music so much? Joni Mitchell, and Carly Simon.
And when I'm not playing Zevon? Linda Ronstadt. And when I'm not playing Ronstadt? Jackson Browne.
Strange for an Okie boy to be so into the '70's, So-Cal "Mellow Mafia" scene, isn't it? Quick, someone stop me 'fore I buy an Eagles CD! Oops. Too late.