Now I need a fucking job.
You and me both.
Right, so it's intent to fuck. I am allowed to be squicked by intent to fuck grampa.
I thought it was just understood he would fall asleep so there wasn't even intent. I thought it was a formality. (I still find the line marriage slightly squicky, but I assumed that was a problem in me, not the book.)
I am off to get bleach to remove the phrase "wrinkle beast" from my brain.
He never gets near her with his wrinkle beast.
Heh. 'Tis the shar-pei of lurvvve.
He never gets near her with his wrinkle beast.
But grampa still has first bite at the apple. Not being able to get it up doesn't bleach the concept from my brain pan.
He's too old to fuck, is what I'm getting at.
That should be a Dead Kennedys song.
May strike a little too close to home for Jello for that song ever to see the light of day.
"Wrinkle beast" was all set to be introduced into the lexicon by Adam Baldwin in episode 11 of TV's "The Inside." America weeps.
I thought it was a formality.
Any formality that includes spooning gramps is just WRONG.
Okay. New subject.
And "Ther Germs" "Lexicon Devil" is already in episode 10. America probably weeping slightly less. But fuck 'em.
Okay. New subject.
Ayn Rand: Wrinkle beast or sexy bitch?
Dear me. I've said "fuck" an awful lot tonight.