I keep seeing "Spike in a hairband" and imagining a '60s hairband, the kind that's two inches wide and holds your blonde pouf in shape.
I keep imagining one a little smaller, maybe fabric covered. And definitely pink. It reminds me of Tom and Shawn (not gay). Tim should definitely use some of their ideas. I like the Mary Kay convertible myself.
ETA: I just want to add that I love Buffistas, because people here don't try to make one feel like one is morally or intellectually inferior for having a total lack of interest in Spike. (That's only kind of true for me, I do have some interest in him, but I'm seeing comments elsewhere that are making me want to say things that would lead to nothing good.)
I'm weary of Spike. Does that mean I'm weary of life?
My interest in a Spike project: a scene. 30 seconds. 5 seconds. Where Spike doesn't look cool. Where he's not funny.
Of course, my interest in it is likely completely different to that of the 'fans'.
Aww. I'd like to see him be the butt of a joke.
Wasn't that the plot of BtVS season 7, and much of A:ts season 5?
Wasn't that the plot of BtVS season 7, and much of A:ts season 5?
Yes, and it was the most he'd entertained me since Something Blue.
Seems the Spike movie post crashed whedonesque.
And thus are we grateful for the lack of linking.
Pair have suspended Whedonesque for using too much server resources... I think they'll be moving web host shortly.
Does Whedonesque have a way to donate? Like, I'm all not up to it now, but they provide me with a valuable service and if they are going to be paying more for hosting, I'd like to throw some money their way once I'm all, you know, employed. Or do they just make enough money from the Amazon store?
...also? I totally wanted to scold the people doubting Tim over there. Have they SEEN his work? (And I wanted to say, "YOU ARE MEAN!" to all the people criticizing AYNOHYEB. But that's because it's a very special episode to me. Like, Thank You note special.)