My agency tells me there's no market for American history in entertainment.
Not from Hamilton's time anyway -- the short pants and powdered wigs are a turn off today. ETA: But a nice WWII "adventure" could be popular. (I wonder how "The Great Raid" is doing at the box office. I didn't much like the movie -- it succeeded in making dull a spectacular actual event.)
Oh, dear. I thought my eyes would be safe in here. I was just looking for some killing.
Oh, your poor eyes. Yes, enough with this sex! Bring on some violence!!
There was an explosion in downtown SF, probably a transformer. Is that violent enough?
There was an explosion in downtown SF, probably a transformer. Is that violent enough?
Is it an evil transformer? You know, with plans to take over the world -- or at least northern California?
There was an explosion in downtown SF, probably a transformer. Is that violent enough?
Optimus Prime's gone rogue!
Hmm. It was next to the Ralph Lauren store, so possibly.
But it's historical bestiality! It's meaningful!
17th c. bestiality: sex and death two distinct parts of the process. 21st c. bestiality: one-stop shopping for sex and death. That's Progress with a capital P.
That's Progress with a capital P.
Not to mention Peritonitis.
What's that R&G are Dead line about "we can give you blood and sex"?
Huh. I just flashed on
The Aristocrats.
I have no idea why it took so long...
I really meant first American political sex scandal. I'm aware of scarlet letters and such from earlier times. So stop oppressing me. Speaking of, also interesting is David Hackett Fischer's "Albion's Seed."
Narrator's right about the funny clothes and wigs being a thing. Though I understand HBO is doing "John Adams." So maybe some multi-part cable thing could work.