Had I printed the interview to read on my subway ride home I might have been annoyed, but since I read it at work the length was just about right. So I had a nice little break plus another installment to look forward to.
Which episode was "Everything Nice"? Just checked imdb: it was the one with the wee psycho, Yvette from Wonderfalls, the DA from Homicide, & Katie in the treehouse. I liked that one.
I'm sure this is off topic but John Rogers linked my blog! How cool is that?
Here's a stupid question. Who is John Rogers?
He's the guy who executive produced Global Frequency (based on a Warren Ellis comic and starring Michelle Forbes). His blog has been circulating in screenwriting class circles for a while now (it's where I found it), and the GF pilot was leaked onto the web and got him an assload of attention.
And a college friend, but I suppose that has nothing to do with his popularity.
And he's writing the Transformers movie!
That bit I don't get. But it sure beats
The Core.
Cool. Thanks for the info.
Ah, so he's the friend you were looking askance at for the projects he'd worked on.
I judged him, I admit, and then I recanted.
Speaking of Global Frequency (weren't we), who, having watched the show or read the comic felt that the Frequency was something any of us could be a part of? John has said as much in interview, but I thought it was an elite panel of specialists, and as unattainable as being Jack Bauer or a Bristow.