The "Whatever you do, DON'T push this button to play the video" text reminds me of Victorian Latin texts. They didn't want the naughty bits of Catullus to offend schoolboys...
so they put them all in the back of the book in one section.
One of my Latin profs told us a story about how when she was in college, her professor had said, "Now, tomorrow we will be reading Catullus, so all of the ladies should stay home." The next day, all the women in the class were seated in the front row. The prof looked out, saw them, and said, "As I see we have no ladies in the class today, we can begin."
I think that's funny.
Also, the Parents' TV Council thing made my boyfriend like The Inside even more. If that's possible.
Were I a parent I think would be more concerned that a parental watchdog site seemed to think that kids might be up watching such adult shows, than any specific content of the shows themselves.
Were I a parent I think would be more concerned that a parental watchdog site seemed to think that kids might be up watching such adult shows, than any specific content of the shows themselves.
Yes. This. Many (not all) of those watchdog sites seem to take a prurient delight in how eeeevil secular culture is. The fact that they highlight a "Worst of the Week" does nothing to allay those suspicions.
I'd be more inclined to take a site like that seriously if it simply had a list of shows with "graphic violent content", etc. along with networks and times.
I've just read the worst review of The Inside. And by worst, I mean the review itself is pathetic. It left me thinking, "please stop watching, I feel dirty knowing that you are watching this show, and I am watching the show, and therefore, we have something in common."
I won't link, he doesn't deserve referrals. I'll excerpt.
The Inside’s only redeeming value that has me turning in each week is the star, bodacious babe Rachel Nichols. She doesn’t wear revealing clothing often, opting instead for a very professional black pants suit that still manages to show off her voluptuous curvature. And occasionally, the clothes do come off. Like always, Fox knows what the men in the audience want to see (Jonny, could you insert gorilla noises here?).
Given that the reviewer describes Rachel Nichols as "voluptuous," we can immediately ignore everything else in the review, correct?
I would like to start a site where I review reviewers. That would be voluptuous.
bodacious babe
The moment I came to these words I knew I couldn't take anything this person said seriously (besides have Allyson's warning).
How old is this reviewer?
Seriously. No one uses this terminology anymore. No. one.
Sounds like something off the boards (not from the reviewers) at Ain't it Cool, although at least the spelling looks right.
Tell me this wasn't actually published, as opposed to posted. Please?
It's a review site I'd never heard of.
I'm with beathen on the "bodacious babe" thing. Ack.
Oh c'mon, Allyson. You have to link us, so we can point and mock.
If it's referral links from here that bothers you, Allyson, just put the URL without the http: part --, or whatever, and people can cut and paste.