I've just read the worst review of The Inside. And by worst, I mean the review itself is pathetic. It left me thinking, "please stop watching, I feel dirty knowing that you are watching this show, and I am watching the show, and therefore, we have something in common."
I won't link, he doesn't deserve referrals. I'll excerpt.
The Inside’s only redeeming value that has me turning in each week is the star, bodacious babe Rachel Nichols. She doesn’t wear revealing clothing often, opting instead for a very professional black pants suit that still manages to show off her voluptuous curvature. And occasionally, the clothes do come off. Like always, Fox knows what the men in the audience want to see (Jonny, could you insert gorilla noises here?).
Given that the reviewer describes Rachel Nichols as "voluptuous," we can immediately ignore everything else in the review, correct?
I would like to start a site where I review reviewers. That would be voluptuous.
bodacious babe
The moment I came to these words I knew I couldn't take anything this person said seriously (besides have Allyson's warning).
How old is this reviewer?
Seriously. No one uses this terminology anymore. No. one.
Sounds like something off the boards (not from the reviewers) at Ain't it Cool, although at least the spelling looks right.
Tell me this wasn't actually published, as opposed to posted. Please?
It's a review site I'd never heard of.
I'm with beathen on the "bodacious babe" thing. Ack.
Oh c'mon, Allyson. You have to link us, so we can point and mock.
If it's referral links from here that bothers you, Allyson, just put the URL without the http: part -- www.crackreview.com/theinsidebabe.html, or whatever, and people can cut and paste.
It appears that they are trying very hard to be a ball scratching version of TWoP. Someone forgot to tell them that in order for snark to work, it has to be funny.
Instead, if I may review the reviewer, what has happened here is that I'm left with the feeling that the reviewer is someone who resembles Karl Rove, and sits outside junior high schools pulling at himself in his car. His "snarking" on cops leads me to believe he's been bagged standing at the bottom of escalators at a mall looking up skirts while listening to Rush Limbaugh on a walkman.
He's what happens to AICN talkbackers when they get old.
So, so very angry, and having never learnt the importance of social lubrication, they give young retail clerks the creeps by making stupid jokes about the weather in inept attempts at charm.
And so here he is, this lonely reviewer, pretending to be cool and cutting, completely unaware that no one uses the term "bodacious babe" anymore, and never really did after Bill and Ted had that Excellent Adventure so long ago.
You have to link us, so we can point and mock.
*compares The Inside review to rest of site*
*blinks repeatedly at the utter crap*
He lost me at "yet another version of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, because that is what this show is."
And on a related note, I need more The Inside now, please. I feel the cravings.
Thank you.