No, she really doesn't. Or at least didn't on Letterman.
That was an interesting "Free Katie" Website linked last night. OTOH, there isn't a whole lot of difference between "Free Katie" and "Freek Atie."
(Apologies to other Katie's and those with similar names.)
Jesse, come to Chicago! My apartment will be unoccupied for 6 weeks this summer, if you want to give Chicago a test drive.
I have to be at work at 9 today, which means I need to head for the train in the next few minutes.
So, kittens do not like technology?
Me read "Kittens". Me read "FAX". Me think, "Oh, no. What Joss get now?"
Fire bad. Tree pretty.
Heh. At least the kittens were uninjured. And given that they're cats, probably entirely un-guilty about the whole thing.
David Letterman is bugging me more than Katie so far. But we're still talking work.
Love the kitten story, although I found myself even more intrigued by the promise of video footage with the headline "One Woman's Passion - Cows." I also liked the "German city builds 'sex huts' for World Cup." The DH and I already really wanted to go to Germany to catch a World Cup match, but now. . .
So I'm packing my backpack for the weekend, and everything doesn't quite fit. BUT most of what doesn't fit is a gift. So it makes sense to bring two smaller bags up and just one back, rather than switch to a bigger bag, right?
BTW, the name for my PDA is Sen~or Crappy, in honor of EllenBS's Signore Snappy.
I found out today that the name for my friend's parent's GPS/computer/automobile guidance system is 'Hallie' since the female voice reminds them of HAL. I guess the acorn didn't fall far from the tree in her case. (For the Somervillains, the friend is Julia, she of the loud laugh.)