The median home price in San Diego was $593,600 in April, up from $588,800 in March and $527,320 in the year-ago period.
The minimum household income needed to purchase a median-priced home at $509,230 in California in April was $120,290, based on an average effective mortgage interest rate of 5.92 percent and assuming a 20 percent downpayment.
Seriously, are these numbers real? It's like Monopoly money.
I no longer feel sorry for Katie.
Katie frightens me.
Tom can keep her, for all I care. As long as they don't have children.
San Franciscans laugh at your monopoly money real estate. We're beyond all sticker shock.
I'm actually worried about Katie Holmes. She doesn't seem to realize that she's a beard. She seems to be genuinely in love/limerance/infatuated. She's going to be a bitter bitter woman when she susses it out.
It's just scary.
I rent a tiny old house and I love it here, but this place was built in 1928 and is pretty much original everything. It would cost about $700K to buy. For a place whose electrical is still wrapped in fabric. Damn cute, but she's showing her age.
San Franciscans laugh at your monopoly money real estate. We're beyond all sticker shock.
Are the median prices that different? The numbers really just don't seem real.
I also haven't moved. It's just so damn pretty...
Hours later...
the first Katie who came to mind
Who was that?
Katie M. So, you see why the relief.
I just ate one of the best meals ever, at Bishop's in Vancouver. I even managed to buy a brush and comb.
I also skipped. How are people?
I'm helping my mother visit her sister before she (my mother) goes to a conference near where her sister lives, which is also near Vancouver.
Tomorrow, we drive to Lillooet, which as far as I can tell isn't near anything.
It's fun to pretend to say though. Have a good trip. So damn pretty there.
I just realized that I have a client meeting in the morning. I am unthrilled.