I used to clip the babies' nails when they were sleeping, but not during night-sleep.
This is how I do Oz's claws. He's not squirmy so I can get a real good look at what I'm doing. Especially important since he has black nails so it's hard to see where the hurty part is. I usually clip them to long and I have to file the rest, but he'll still be still and half asleep.
My friend Cynthia is a Cyn. (There's a whole cheesy thing with it too that I won't repeat for her and my sakes).
Jobs are good, Alibelle. Handing out papers on the street sucks, but if they hired you in a second, you can quit in a second, too.
I think I only like tomato aspic.
Betsy, you and your family were in my dream last night. I stood by while your husband was chatted up by Jeff Bridges following some lecture, and Jeff really liked him and said they should hang out. Your husband gave Jeff a business card. Then your family took me out to dinner at a fancy & good restaurant.
Then the dream changed and I was stuck in Camden, ME for a week with teenage girls, Dick Cheney, and Geroge H. W. Bush. That part was all about cheap hotel rooms and bad pizza.
Hey, I live an exciting dream life.
I found a recipe for Ukrainian aspic that sounds really good, except I would probably make it with all poultry bones and no pig's feet.
Congrats, Alibelle.
I can't clip Mal's nails when he's asleep, as even in sleep he squirms. If he's watching Baby Einstein, however, he's a little hypnotized podling, and it's easy.
The cat is WAY easier.
More from the press conference:
QUESTION: Since President William Howard Taft became chief justice after his presidency, you would not rule out the president’s nominating former law school professor Bill Clinton to the Supreme Court, would you? And if you wouldn’t, we can report that President Clinton is under consideration, can’t we?
MCCLELLAN: Well, that’s the first time I’ve heard that name suggested.
Thanks, Lyra!
I'm excited. I've been trying to find bartending work, but it's difficult, mostly due to managerial flakiness. Also, I'm rather uncomfortable with many of the illegal things that go on behind a bar, and I'm not comfortable with lying about my experience level, either, since I feel like it's only going to be obvious if I do so, and so I might as well make it clear from the beginning. So, I'm basically ham-stringing myself there. Although I did do a private party, and I have a wedding lined up for August, so that's okay, too. But I was planning on spending a lot of money on dance classes, so working for actual dance schools is actually rather efficient. Though I'm not terribly aggressive, so I'm not sure how effective I'd be at getting people to take little paper things as they try to get past me, if that is indeed what I'll be doing.
Oh, well. Whatever. At least I'll be able to have guaranteed reading and iPod time on the train.
ETA: Thanks, -t!
Jobs are good, Alibelle. Handing out papers on the street sucks, but if they hired you in a second, you can quit in a second, too.
Good point! Thanks.
PS: Alibelle, you let me know where you're handing out flyers, and I will come take one.
secret to Alibelle -
if you are near me, I will too, plus maybe treat to lunch once in a while.
Jesse is my new favorite. By a wide margin.
I have no idea where I'll be, but if you e-mail me a phone number I would totally call and let you know tomorrow. My profile is good.