Thanks, Lyra!
I'm excited. I've been trying to find bartending work, but it's difficult, mostly due to managerial flakiness. Also, I'm rather uncomfortable with many of the illegal things that go on behind a bar, and I'm not comfortable with lying about my experience level, either, since I feel like it's only going to be obvious if I do so, and so I might as well make it clear from the beginning. So, I'm basically ham-stringing myself there. Although I did do a private party, and I have a wedding lined up for August, so that's okay, too. But I was planning on spending a lot of money on dance classes, so working for actual dance schools is actually rather efficient. Though I'm not terribly aggressive, so I'm not sure how effective I'd be at getting people to take little paper things as they try to get past me, if that is indeed what I'll be doing.
Oh, well. Whatever. At least I'll be able to have guaranteed reading and iPod time on the train.
ETA: Thanks, -t!
Jobs are good, Alibelle. Handing out papers on the street sucks, but if they hired you in a second, you can quit in a second, too.
Good point! Thanks.
PS: Alibelle, you let me know where you're handing out flyers, and I will come take one.
secret to Alibelle -
if you are near me, I will too, plus maybe treat to lunch once in a while.
Jesse is my new favorite. By a wide margin.
I have no idea where I'll be, but if you e-mail me a phone number I would totally call and let you know tomorrow. My profile is good.
Ooh, and msbelle slips in, and is very aggressively pursuing the victory in the My Favorite race.
I think I have your phone number, actually, but could you e-mail me too?
ETA: Sorry! I'm slow with responding, sometimes. Especially when I'm distracted by cute, sleepy kitties.
Congrats on the job, Alibelle!
It's okay. Girl, you know I got you, got you.
I do not, however, forgive you for this. Sure, Jesse was doing it first, but I wasn't actually earwormed until the got you, got you.
Awooo! Of course, tomorrow's not so hot for me, as you'll probably be in Manhattan, and I basically won't be. But call me anyway! On the number I will be insending shortly.
Hee. I'm pretty sure Jim doesn't *have* a business card, but thanks for the thoughts, flea.
Ooo! Perkins, do you eat crab?
Because when we have breakfast this weekend, there's an INCREDIBLE crab cake on the menu.
YUM. No Mayonaise allowed though, right?