Sheryl, that's awful. I hope...well, I hope good things for your friend and a rain of toads and boils and preferably justice on the assholes.
it is sweet that your folks are romantic
Yeah, it is. It doesn't freak me out (they've only been like this, oh, MY WHOLE LIFE,) but, well, I'm WAY the hell more private than they are about stuff like that.
My SIL is as bad, and my brother is private, like me. Family get togethers involve a lot of my brother and I exchanging oh dear glances.
Did they really just say THAT?!
Time to get back to cleaning and laundry.
storm people keep safe.
and sheryl let your friend know that all your invisible frineds are horrified by what has happened to him. sending him strenght and peace.
and you all are jelous because we just had brunch with Perkins.
The Times published the Downing Street Memo. [link]
I'm always interested at the fact that everyone refers to him as "Saddam." I guess because "Hussein" is the King of Jordan. But it's always struck me as disrespectful. Now, I have no problem disrespecting Saddam, but usually people in that category of dissing aren't worth attacking. Normally you get a last name before you get attacked (cf. Noriega, Qaddafi). But, "Saddam." It's friendly, intimate, even. You invite him over, have a beer. Or maybe it's like when a relationship falls apart - you don't start calling your ex by his last name. But not quite...Pinochet was never "Augusto," even though he was as much our ex as Saddam.
Apparently I need to start recreational drinking.
Raquel is me, wrt "Saddam".
Apparently I need to start recreational drinking.
As long as your brains remain as entertaining as they are now....
How was your birthday? I was gone from here by the time it was discovered to be your b-day, so belated happy wishes!
Lazy and like any other day, but with better food! So about right. Now, if my apartment had miraculously cleaned itself, that would have been nice.
Yes. But what day isn't that true of?
It's almost 11:00 here, so I'm off to bed. No concert at the park tonight! It's disturbingly quiet. And next week the theater has
Dom Juan...
how loud can Moliere be?
I feel like I heard somewhere that Saddam Hussein started the first-name thing himself because it sounds like a king or etc. I would guess other people keep doing it because of the possible King Hussein confusion.
Edit: This guy [link] says it's Just How Things Are Done, but that doesn't make a ton of sense to me wrt the other local leaders we call by their family names.
Hey Tom, we ended up seeing the 1 pm penguin movie. I looked for you in the lobby, but we must have just missed each other.
Penguins, I now know, are adorable, but lead incredibly boring lives. (They walk to the breeding grounds, they walk back. Lather, rinse, repeat. And that they're lucky to have so few predators, because their survival instincts are not all that good. Attempted chicknapping by another female penguin? Noooooooo!!! Scary predator bird attacking the chicks? Eh, whatever. But then, I knew that from Winged Migration.)