Hey Tom, we ended up seeing the 1 pm penguin movie. I looked for you in the lobby, but we must have just missed each other.
Penguins, I now know, are adorable, but lead incredibly boring lives. (They walk to the breeding grounds, they walk back. Lather, rinse, repeat. And that they're lucky to have so few predators, because their survival instincts are not all that good. Attempted chicknapping by another female penguin? Noooooooo!!! Scary predator bird attacking the chicks? Eh, whatever. But then, I knew that from Winged Migration.)
I spent an hour and a half on the road to get to the bookstore, because I-95 sucked like a giant sucking thing that sucks.(Stupid BW parkway and its sinkhole)I get to the store only to find they don't even have most of the books I'm looking for. we're talking about books that have come out within the last 6 months, so they should be there. Now I need to e-mail the owner of the store(who was not the person at the store today) to see if they even have these books in stock.(The store needs to be better organized. Much better organized)
Everything is clean!
Now I'm baking chicken and you just KNOW I will manage to slop something on my nice clean floor.
ION, it looks like my paper's tvguide didn't get the memo that Welcome to the Neighborhood was pulled.
Ah well, it's often wrong. And disturbing, as it has this kinda frightening picture of a dude on the cover (Dave Nacarro?)
But Sheryl! You can tell everyone all about being inconvenienced by the sinkhole that ate Baltimore! Or Washington, depending on your local new's spin.
You know what's trouble? Opening up your Launch song ratings in one window, and the iTunes store in the other.
Take it from me.
Still, iTunes needs more Aaliyah, for starters.
I'm having a very 1989 day, apparently -- I just got the 100 Top Billboard Hits of 1989 (so ridiculous!), and now it's 89 on I Love The Eighties. I cannot get enough Milli Vanilli today!
Gotta blame it on something...
I cannot get enough Milli Vanilli today!
I would think that a little Milli Vanilli goes a long way....
In news that I'm not sure if it's more or less disturbing, I just saw in the Times that I woman I was friends with in college just got married, and she's now a columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times. Dude.
I would think that a little Milli Vanilli goes a long way....
That is where you'd be wrong.