Congratulations, Vortex! That sounds like pretty long range planning for house buying - is it being built to your specifications or something?
I am obsessively following Hurricane Dennis' progress. I don't know why, but I'm finding it easier to contemplate natural disasters than man made ones.
And in a less murderous way, I'm pretty damn furious at someone on another list I'm on who was all, "Oh my God and I was just making London travel plans!" Way to make it all about you.
This kind of thing makes me nuts.
And yes, so relieved for everyone who's heard from friends and family members, and hoping and praying for everyone who's waiting to hear.
I can't say anything that doesn't sound deeply inane.
Except why is my local NPR station playing an orchestral version of We Are the Champions between stories?
Hurts my brain.
My two good friends in London (infinitemonkeys and cazling on LJ) have both checked in okay.
my co-worker doesn't let a conversation about London pass without saying something like, "well, it's too bad that happened over there, but I just hope that it won't start happening here." I don't know why this bugs so much. Possibly because I have personal stakes over there, as well as here. I guess what she is saying makes sense, if one doesn't.
Well, sure. It's understandable (better someone else than me), but still slightly tacky. IMO.
congrats, Vortex! When do they begin construction?
No, it's still pretty annoying, Nora. I mean, in some sense, sure, we all hope bad things don't happen here. On the other hand, what it ends up sounding like is, "Oh thank goodness that happened to those people and not to us." Which is -- well, again, honestly? Sure. I'm glad it's not anyone I know. But it doesn't make it okay... I'm not expressing it well. It's sort of the "all about me" thing, I guess. Like hearing about someone's mother dying and saying, "Oh, that's terrible; I'm glad my mother's not dead."
ETA: Er, y'all post too fast.
I am just. so. glad. that crackpot!cow-orker is out sick today. If he were here, I know that he would not be able to shut up about it, and contain his hostility.
shark week coming up
I first understood this as "jump the shark week" and thought "Surely not, in the summer!"
It's understandable (better someone else than me), but still slightly tacky.
Yes, this! I understand, but, hey, why don't you think it instead of say it?