It's odd. I'm a big ol' news junkie, but the place I first heard about the London bombings was on lj.
Me too. Last night, before they knew they were bombings. That was only five hours ago now. I saw my friend's post, went WTF, checked the news, and went to bed reassured but slightly uneasy.
ita, I'm glad the family's ok. I hope the hurrican lessens or just whooshes by with little damage.
Bombs are fucking stupid. Gah.
Kat, BTW, I'm out of town 8/5-8/8, damnit.
Safety vibes for your brother, grommit.
Yikes, best wishes for all Londonites and people with friends and family in London.
the fog of news
Good phrase. As an inveterate clicker, I surfed from one network to the next, to CNN, only to see the exact same interview clip on each station (staggered in time, enough to be irritating). The bizarre thing was that at 7am my time, the bombings were 3 hours old, and the aftermath footage was still unbelieveably vague and far-off. If you have that little, just give half-hour updates and go with your regular programming, you know?
If you have that little, just give half-hour updates and go with your regular programming, you know?
They can't, because this is the Big Story, so they have to be talking about it, even if they have nothing to say.
They can't, because this is the Big Story, so they have to be talking about it, even if they have nothing to say.
They do that in Israel too?
I'm glad to hear Jamaica is not too worried about Dennis
Just because my family's not worried ... well, my mother flew
to Jamaica early so she could be home for the last hurricane. They're kinda weird that way. But it does sound like there's nothing to worry too deeply about. We have a solid concrete house, and the big trees have been trimmed long time.
They can't, because this is the Big Story, so they have to be talking about it, even if they have nothing to say.
Normally, okay. I'm right on board there if it were, say, the shark attack frenzy. (Ooh - shark week coming up.) But I can't say I mind in a case like this. Some stories
That Big.