Lots of church ladies and other sorts around being freaked out by all the corsets and ND's kilt.
I was rather surprised that the really hot guy I was scoping out at the Union Station bookstore turned out to be there for the convention with his wife and the obligatory baby in a stroller.
occasionally us hets get the hot guys too.
I was wearing a rather impressive corset (IMHO).
There is absolutely no question that Vortex's corset and supported assets were impressive.
I used to know a wee bit about strange beliefs regarding a Planet X
You find it by following Planets A, B, C, etc., in order until you reach Planet X, of course! It's also rich in the shaving cream atom, Illudium Phosdex.
"Secure optical data storage could soon literally be at your fingertips thanks to work being carried out in Japan. Yoshio Hayasaki and his colleagues have discovered that data can be written into a human fingernail by irradiating it with femtosecond laser pulses. Capacities are said to be up to 5 mega bits and the stored data lasts for 6 months - the length of time it takes a fingernail to be completely replaced."
(I can't get the original article to load, only the Slashdot summary.)
GLENEAGLES, Scotland - World leaders scaled back goals for relieving African poverty and combating global warming under U.S. opposition to British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s ambitious objectives.
Yeah, I was just reading the depressing article in Salon about how aid to Africa is a miserable failure and why it depresses local economies (They're starving. We send them corn. Too much corn. Way too much corn. The corn is dumped on the market. Local farmers suffer. etc. Way too many examples.), and bolsters "kleptocrats" (new coinage from Salon! It's cool.).
Africa is like a fifty year lesson in no good deed goes unpunished. It's so disheartening.
Dude, Salon did not make up "kleptocrat." [link]
Someone said, don't worry we dont' bite, and Drew added "unless you ask us to".
I can't remember who said the first, but the last was me, not Drew. The look on the guy's face: priceless.
There is absolutely no question that Vortex's corset and supported assets were impressive.
This, this, this. Vortex was kind enough to set my tiara in place on my head. Given our height differential, I had a lovely, almost leisurely opportunity to observe said assets at close range. Mmm, assets.
That's been around for ages. I think I used it when passing on the article about Putin stealing the Superbowl ring.
But it is a very fun word. If not generally so great in practice.
OED has it 1819. Well, kleptocracy.